Is your Senior Living Community looking for ways to refresh your social media marketing strategy in 2022? Well content curation can play a key role in helping you boost your digital marketing performance. This is done mostly by helping you establish links with relevant brands and influencers, boosting awareness through connections and activity, showcasing industry expertise, establishing thought leadership, and more.

Content creation can be a great way to help maintain social posting activity, while also reinforcing your professional knowledge and awareness. Listed below are some tips to help boost your content creation process:

  • Content Creation Tools: Tools like Quuu can make it easier to promote organic content with promotion distribution that connects content creators to content sharers within the same industry. You can also use this tool to find great content to share to your Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin profiles.
  • Fills Content Calendar Gaps: A content calendar is important to keep your content marketing well-organized and on track. It helps you with initial brainstorming, which saves you from last-minute disastrous planning and helps you produce content consistently. Curated content can also help to workout the type of content your audience loves before you spend time making something similar yourself.
    • Think of it as 40% Created and 60% Curated.
  • Social signals = Links = SEO: Social signals are the likes, shares, and views of social media posts. These social likes, shares, and views signal to search engines and your social media followers that your content is useful and relevant.
  • Balances Out Promotional Posts: Consumers don’t like to see a company always talking about themselves. Instead they want helpful content that isn’t focused on selling.
  • Builds Community: Everything you share on social media is an opportunity to engage. The more you engage then the more you increase your brand awareness.

For more tips and tricks on how to take your Instagram profile for your Senior Living Community to the next level reach out to Roche Associates!