In addition to optimizing your website, you should also create blog posts, infographics and other types of content that are relevant to your golden keyword.

When creating content, be sure to include your golden keyword throughout — in the title, in the body, in the headings and in the URL. You should also include it in the alt text of any images that you include.

Not only will this help your content rank for your golden keyword, but it will also help people find your content when they’re searching for related terms.

Write about what you know when creating content for your website, and look for ways that you can add value to your visitors by educating them or answering their questions.

Use People Also Ask to identify topics

Often, figuring out what to write about is half the battle when it comes to content marketing. But, one of the best tools at your disposal is actually Google! The People Also Ask section is the perfect place to find topics to write about.

To use People Also Ask, do a Google search for your keyword. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the search results to find the People Also Ask section.

Each question that appears in this section is an opportunity for you to write a blog post or create another type of content that answers that question.

By creating content that answers questions that people are actually searching for, you’re increasing the chances that your content will be found by people who are interested in what you have to say.

Best of all, the People Also Ask section is basically an endless resource for content marketing topics. When you open one of the questions, more questions pop up. And, the more questions you open, the more questions come up!